Campus Collaboration - Physics Education Study Program Lecturer Becomes Thesis Examiner at Siliwangi University

One form of actualization of collaboration carried out by the Physics Education Study Program FMIPA UNY is sending lecturers to be examiners for student final assignments at partner campuses. On this occasion, Wednesday, December 14 2022 Prof. Dr. Edi Istiyono, M.Si (lecturer in physics education at FMIPA UNY) was a student examiner at Siliwangi University. Riza Hasanudin (student) was tested by three examiners, namely Rahmad Rizal, M.Pd (Unsil), Dr. H. Endang Surahman, M.Pd (Unsil) and Prof. Dr. Edi Istiyono, M.Si (UNY). It is hoped that this activity can be a form of sustainable friendship so that the UNY Physics Education Study Program and Unsil Physics Education Study Program can progress and develop together.