Guest Lecturer (Prof. Nathalie Destouches)

Anisotropic plasmonic nanostructures have recently drawn a renewed interest in producing color images with subwavelength resolution and become a powerful tool to implement color image multiplexing.1 Metallic nanostructures produced by electron beam lithography have been used to demonstrate bimodal multiplexing with images encoded in a single layer architecture. Here, we demonstrate that scanning laser techniques can be a powerful tool to control plasmonic nanostructures and their colors. We will present laser-induced self-organization processes triggered by continuous wave and fs lasers and will show an application to color image multiplexing for secure marking. The concept of color image multiplexing will be extended to multiple dimensions defined by polarization, angle of view or illumination conditions.

Kristensen, A., Yang, J.K., Bozhevolnyi, S.I., Link, S., Nordlander, P., Halas, N.J. and Mortensen, N.A. Plasmonic colour generation. Nat. Rev. Mater. 2, 16088 (2016).

N. Destouches, N. Crespo-Monteiro, G. Vitrant, Y. Lefkir, S. Reynaud, T. Epicier, Y. Liu, F. Vocanson, and F. Pigeon, Self-organized growth of metallic nanoparticles in a thin film under homogeneous and continuous-wave light excitation, J. Mater. Chem. C 2, 6256-6263 (2014).

Z. Liu, J. Siegel, M. Garcia-Lechuga, T. Epicier, Y. Lefkir, S. Reynaud, M. Bugnet, F. Vocanson, J. Solis, G. Vitrant, and N. Destouches, 3D self-organization in nanocomposite layered systems by ultrafast laser pulses, ACS Nano, 11 (5), 5031–5040 (2017).



Prof. Nathalie Destouches graduated in 1998 as an engineer in optics from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Marseille, France. She received her Ph. D. degree from the University Aix-Marseille III and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Glasses, Montpellier. In 2002 she joined the University Jean Monnet and University of Lyon where she is currently professor. She is the coordinator of master degree Optics Image Vision Multimedia. She also serves as the scientific coordinator of the division "Perception engineering & white light processing" of the Laboratory of Excellence MANUTECH-SISE. In 2014 and 2016-2017, she was affiliate at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA to develop a collaborative work on in operando optical and X-ray characterization of laser-induced self-organization mechanisms.

Her research experience is multidisciplinary from optics and photonics to materials and characterized by multiscale studies both in space and time. She focuses on nanostructured plasmonic materials and exploits their properties at the nanoscale to provide materials and devices with innovative macroscopic functions. She uses light to trigger self-organization mechanisms and to drive the growth and reshaping of metallic nanostructures. Her fundamental research deals with modeling and in operando characterization of laser-induced processes. She also develops applications of her research with industrial partners.